
What is a DD.File?

In this video we will be going over what is a DDfile. What is it made of, how is it made up, what makes it run and how to access it’s contents.

Using an Edge Finder

In This video we will get a hands on look at how to use an Edge Finder with our code/designs. How simple it is to use, and what to look for when using it.

Designs & On Page Edge Finder

In this video we will be going through our code, how it works in DDcut and how to use an Edge Finder (On Screen View).

How to Use DDforge

DDforge by 2A Part Picker is our way at opening this platform up to all those with Ghost Gunner’s. We have created a new desktop app that allows users to turn their designs in fusion into working DDfiles. The time has come for you to bring your ideas to life.


2A Part Picker is wanting to educate users to become more familiar with the technical side of the GG. We will be discussing and educating what goes into making a jig set, designs that can be used on the GG3, how probing works and much more. Stay tuned over the next couple of months as we go through everything that went into making what we have so far and are continuing to work on.